Freeing up our Nervous Systems!

The way that we react or respond to what happens in our daily lives indicates how much space or tension we hold in our Nervous Systems. If we find life very stressful, certain parts of our brains are likely overwhelmed due to past unintegrated feelings, memories, thought patterns and/or energies.

Physical tension and/or disease in our bodies often ensues if our Nervous Systems are not given the chance to reset and heal. As Canadian Dr. Gabor Mate says, “You cannot separate the mind from the body; whatever happens emotionally will have an impact on your physiology.”

In addition, if we have experienced trauma of some kind, (and most of us have), various parts of the brain, the heart and gut brains will be mobilized into either fight/flight or freeze patterns, until the Nervous System discharges the energy that it retained from the initial trauma/s.

BodyTalk energy therapy helps to reset the Nervous System by enhancing communication between its affected parts and systems so that it can integrate stuck memories, emotions, thought patterns and energies. This allows the root causes of stresses to be revealed, released and healed, and the body and mind to restore its optimal balance.

What a great relief to us all!

Elevate your Cells’ Frequency

Science has shown that the trillions of cells in our bodies and our overall body emits a frequency that is indicative of the state of our overall health and well-being. When that frequency slows down and drops below the normal range (62-72 MHz), disease develops and eventually death occurs.

So how can we elevate our vibrational frequency to reflect our current desired health outcomes?

According to cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, negative habit patterns and belief systems rigidify our cell membranes (that allow our body’s nourishment in and out!). Releasing and integrating these patterns enables the membranes to be more porous, receive more nutrients/higher energy frequencies, and therefore vibrate more quickly to enhance our well-being. (You may have noticed that when you stay stuck in a negative thought space, you become physically sick!)

Shifting charged active memories, traumas, emotions, belief systems, etc., that create and influence detrimental health patterns, can be facilitated via energy therapies like the BodyTalk System. BodyTalk is able to bring these patterns into awareness and make suggestions to change the way that the body organizes its physical information around them. It then facilitates the movement of these stuck, lower density frequencies at the cellular level to influence health on all levels.

It is a phenomenal tool for transformation. Enjoy its benefits and thrive!

BodyTalk: Energetic Immune Booster



While the winter season is a beautiful time of year, our immune systems often take a toll from increased busyness, a lack of sunlight and working the same long hours in a typical season of hibernation! Vaccinating with the flu shot can have various harmful side effects, so why not take an energetic immune system booster shot instead? 

When the immune system becomes compromised due to added stress, it can overreact, under react, or have abnormal reactions to the pathogens that enter our body through the environment or to abnormal cells, such as those that cause cancer. In addition to physical stress, the immune system can also become unbalanced due to our emotional state, related belief systems and ensuing reactions. For example, “the world is not safe” so my lungs or other organs must shut down when in contact with certain stimulus, resulting in allergies, asthma attacks and other related health issues. A healthy immune system enables a healthy engagement with the external environment. An energetic boost to balance your immune system can lessen over reactive responses to allergens and related attacks over time, as well as help it to defend against harmful viruses and bacteria more rapidly.  

Some of our immune system’s recurrent reactions are inherited or so ingrained from repetition that we are only aware of them when their symptoms arise. For example, have you ever noticed that you often become sick just following times of increased emotional and mental stress? Studies have shown a direct correlation between the effectiveness of the natural killer T-cells that can kill viruses and abnormal cancer cells and your emotional state! By balancing recurrent and old emotions stuck within the connective tissue, diaphragm and other parts of your body, your immune response, as well as your overall state of health and well-being naturally improves.

BodyTalk facilitates this process by re-establishing communication between your brain and endocrines in this case, particularly the thymus which acts as central to your body’s immune response to foreign invaders. The thymus’ T-cells attack pathogens that enter the body ranging from viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, as well as abnormal cells. Antibodies from the bones in the body can also be identified as requiring balancing to strengthen immune system health. BodyTalk works to identify the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical stresses that are compromising any particular part and/or system, brings them into awareness and shifts them energetically to enhance the overall functioning of that part and/or system.

Additional issues that BodyTalk addresses and has seen excellent results in, include: Arthritis, Headaches, Back Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Stress, Sports Injuries, Sports Performance, Emotional Disorders, Learning Disorders, Infections, Digestive Disorders, Endocrine Disorders, Pain and Allergies. 

Immune system patterns and reactions, both physical and emotional, are accumulated over a lifetime and remain with many of us today. While some of these patterns may be beneficial, often they could use some re-evaluating for the benefit of our overall health and well-being. Help yourself to shed the old patterns that are limiting the function of your immune system and enjoy the experience of rejuvenated health and vitality!


Dr. James Oschman on Quantum BodyTalk



Dr. James Oschman, a leader in the field of energy medicine, has been fascinated by the scientific descriptions of the BodyTalk System. He presented the below presentation (summary) on Quantum Physics and Quantum Medicine entitled, “What is the body, where does it come from, and how does it talk?”, at last year’s International BodyTalk Association Members’ Conference.

“Explaining this varying approach to life and health to others can be challenging because of the ways our thinking has been influenced by the dominant materialistic paradigm. A number of breakthroughs have challenged this paradigm and forever changed our perception of ourselves and the world that we inhabit.”

“On December 14, 1900, one such breakthrough occurred when Physicist Max Planck presented findings about the nature of matter to the German Physical Society meeting. His discovery was totally contrary to the accepted notions at the time, which were widely viewed as a triumph of logic and reason and a “means to understand all of nature”.

“Max Planck’s upsetting presentation led to the birth of quantum physics, and the end of an era in which physicists knew that they could confidently fathom all of nature’s mysteries. From Planck’s discoveries arose an uncomfortable awareness that our basic concepts, our language, our whole way of thinking, are inadequate to describe the world which we live in. This change in awareness of relationships has altered every aspect of our reality.”

“There have been attempts to establish a Quantum Medicine, but it was not until Quantum BodyTalk that the discoveries in Quantum physics became part of the daily reality of many healthcare practitioners and their clients.”

What is BodyTalk? A consciousness-based, non-diagnostic, holistic therapy that works to re-synchronize the body’s energy systems so that they can operate as nature intended. It is based on pure science: 1) Quantum Theory, which explains the nature and behaviour of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level, and 2) Dynamic System’s Theory, which describes how the part functions as one with the whole.

According to Quantum Physics, we all have probabilities and possibilities to decrease the stress and pain in our bodyminds and increase our health.

I’ve had a small benign growth in my brain since I was born that has caused some undesirable effects. Lori told me that with BodyTalk treatments the growth might disappear. Imagine my surprise when a recent MRI didn’t find the growth, and only after looking more closely did the technicians spot a calcified area where the growth had been.

– Public Servant, Ottawa

How does a BodyTalk session work? The practitioner consults innate consciousness to find the factors that are contributing to ill health, e.g. emotional, environmental, dietary, physical, via muscle testing and their own innate wisdom. A mathematicalformula/morphogenic field, comprised of wave forms, is created that represents the bodymind’s new probabilities for health. The practitioner observes the client’s unique formula and introduces a catalyst that superimposes the new energy field over the existing one. The catalyst is a standing wave (soliton in physics) introduced by tapping over the brain, to make it aware of the changes suggested, and over the heart, to store the changes within the biggest electromagnetic field in the body. This causes a wave form collapse in the initial energy field, followed by changes to the bodymind’s cellular and related structures (matter follows energy).

This method heals issues on the physical, energetic, mental and supra-mental (sub- conscious) levels and is the most profound way to bring about increased balance to health in the bodymind.

Balancing the Sub-Conscious Mind



So what is it that drives our behaviours and influences our words on a daily basis? Where is it that 95% of our beliefs, thoughts and feelings are stored? Why do we sometimes feel as though we are robots on autopilot with little choice about the acting out the cyclical behaviours that no longer serve us?

It is the subconscious mind that serves all of these functions. And while it may be helpful in navigating our daily lives, e.g. how to interact in a “civilized manner” in society, other aspects of it may feel less beneficial, e.g. reacting to a detrimental belief system about the world not being safe since a traumatic fall in childhood and 20-40 years later, it still runs life via relationship fears, allergies, physical tension and other symptoms.

These types of belief systems, stored in the subconscious mind, can powerfully undermine our greatest intentions in life. In addition, the scientific experiments of Dr. Bruce Lipton, a well-known Cellular Biologist and Author, have shown that messages from our thoughts and beliefs control the function of our DNA and therefore our physical and mental/emotional health as well.

So how can we move past these long held beliefs, reflex behaviours and related mental or physical symptoms that provide less than the quality of life that we desire?

I use BodyTalk, as it is a phenomenal energy therapy that does just this. I watch client after client move through deeply held issues, that seem to go “Poof” (one client used this word recently!) and leave them as the filters/belief systems in the subconscious minds lose their charge and come into greater balance. I am in awe of what the subconscious mind reveals during a session and how, when brought to the surface, the detrimental, thought, belief, behaviour, feeling is able to shift. It also brings up memories related to various physical stressors within the body that have been stored in tissues for decades and helps them to move on when they have been adequately brought into awareness.

Healing in the 21st century has become so much simpler than the past (though not every case is simple!) Yet, it seems that the conditions are right to move beyond past limiting and self-sabotaging belief systems that no longer serve where we are headed, both personally and as a collective.






Reverse Stress, Regain Health & Happiness

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If we experience high levels of stress in our lives on a regular basis, the health of our bodies and minds will soon reflect this. The frequent release of stress related hormones, such as cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenalin, from the adrenal glands into the blood eventually wears on our muscle tissues, bones, brain, nervous and immune systems. Our bodies have been designed to fire these hormones in times of acute danger, e.g. when a tiger is running after us, not on a daily or even hourly basis.

Canadian Physician, Lecturer and Author, Dr. Gabor Maté, says that stress primarily “represents the absence of something that we perceive as necessary for survival ~ or its threatened loss,” e.g. food supply, shelter threatened, loss of love, etc. The unknown is a primary contributor to stress, or which the “research literature has identified three factors that universally lead to stress: uncertainty, the lack of information and the loss of control. All three are present in the lives of individuals with chronic illness.” In addition, Canadian Endocrinologist and famous stress researcher, Hans Selye supported this when he “said without hesitation, that for man the most important stressors are emotional.”

The effects of high levels of stress on our body include any of the following symptoms: digestive issues, weak immune system, chronic muscle and joint pain, heart disease, headaches, osteoporosis, fatigue, poor skin, insomnia, depression, anxiety, etc. 

While the body can self~regulate around stress to a degree, over time and without support it weakens and is unable to regain its intrinsic balance. The good news is that the nervous system, the Sympathetic Nervous System and other affected body parts and systems can be reset so that the body and mind can recover from the effects of ongoing stress.

BodyTalk energy therapy is a phenomenal tool that helps us do just this. It resets the nervous system so that the body can heal itself. By following the BodyTalk Protocol, we are able to identify ongoing stressors in our environments, past events, belief systems, inherited factors, etc. and highlight the parts and systems of the body and mind that these stressors are primarily affecting. Once this information is brought into awareness and suggestions for change are made to the body’s information field, gentle tapping is used over the brain and heart to instigate and store the changes in the body’s memory.

If your body and mind could use support in regulating the effects of ongoing stressors on your body and mind, feel free to come in for a BodyTalk session and enjoy the benefits of increased health and peace of mind. I have practiced and received BodyTalk sessions for years and continue to be amazed at the efficiency and effectiveness of this simple, holistic, energy therapy.

Rewiring Old Mental Patterns



How do you want to feel? Physically vital, mentally/emotionally awake, spiritually free?

Would you like to drop the physical pain, mental/emotional baggage and/or spiritual sleep that your body and mind has harnessed for longer than you would like to remember? Would you like to see the patterns clearly that are impeding your ability to simply BE, enjoy and thrive?  


My experience of giving and receiving BodyTalk sessions over the last 7 years has shown that whatever is limiting our complete overall well-being, can and does shift when brought into awareness and changes are suggested to the way that our bodies currently organize their information. Once our stressors are identified (past and present), their affect on related parts, systems and mental patterns are released as communication pathways between these parts are restored. Our nervous system resets to encourage this process, while reestablishing the unique balance of our bodies and minds.

BodyTalk helps to shift a wide range of residual patterns, including: digestive issues, depression, anxiety, immune system weakness, musculo-skeletal issues, endocrine, sleep disorders, headaches, chronic fatigue, strong kundalini awakenings, various traumas that the body has retained.

“Bodytalk sessions with Lori provide a powerful space to focus on energetic structures that are at play just below my awareness. Lori acts as an amplifier that helps me to see the patterns that are present in my body and mind and are influencing my choices, as well as, physical, emotional and mental states.  Awareness, combined with the BodyTalk protocol, help to identify, shift and reorganize these longstanding energetic patterns. Things that were unconscious are now becoming conscious, which I am confident will lead to different choices in future.”

– Ellen, Project Management Consultant, Ottawa

If you would like to bring more clarity to and shift your ill-adapted health patterns, come in for a BodyTalk session and you will be amazed at what your body has to say, as well as how you feel following… physically vital, mentally/emotionally awake, spiritually free.


Aligning Mind & Spirit for Bodily Health

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Do you feel as though your mind and spirit are not synchronized, yet are guiding your body in an aimless direction on a daily basis? As though your energy is drained or flat or simply unable to support your overall health? Do you experience regular mental or physical symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, headaches, backaches, endocrine, immune or menstrual disorders, ongoing tension or other challenging health patterns that stop you from living the life you want?

If so, you are not alone!

Our bodies perfectly reflect the alignment of our spirits, minds, thoughts and perspectives and as a result, many of us beings walking on the planet experience the various symptoms of misalignment. By attuning our minds and spirits and emitting the related frequency that we would like to carry, we can all change our health drastically on all levels.

When ill-adapted mental/emotional patterns and belief systems become so entrenched that we have difficulty seeing them and our spirit is consequently so out of alignment with how we would like to show up in the world, our physical bodies inevitably suffer. Coming back into alignment can be facilitated by BodyTalk energy therapy, which helps to bring these health patterns into awareness, and unlock them by liberating the energic and neural patterns that hold them in place. As we become aware of these patterns and begin to elevate the frequency that we would like to hold, we notice that the majority of our illnesses and imbalances can fall away as they no longer need to show us that we are misaligned.

We can all choose to heighten this awareness and embody THAT aligned vibration, reflected back in our health, and the overall health of the planet at this time. Because if we don’t care about how we feel and what we emit, who will?

Do your body, mind and spirit a favor and let them speak to you of the untapped possibilities that are available, awaiting recognition and the able to become active in your life now. What are you waiting for?


BodyTalk Intro Videos


View various videos below presented by BodyTalk founder, Dr. John Veltheim:

To learn more about BodyTalk practitioners, courses and events in the Ottawa region, please click here:

View other intros to BodyTalk, including my own, on youtube


BodyTalk for Animals

BT animals


As I lay there on the massage table, with various animals and BodyTalk for Animals practitioners surrounding me, I wondered what would come up for balancing during my BodyTalk session. I was in a horse arena in a rural area outside of Penetanguishene, ON and BodyTalk for Animals Instructor Loesje Jacob was about to facilitate a BodyTalk session with me. She had been on and off the road for three years teaching this and other courses in Japan, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand and was on her way home to BC.

As the session began, I listened as links were identified that connected my brain to various systems in my body and mind that had become compromised due to accumulated stresses. I began to feel the energy in my body shift as it made its way up my spinal column. She linked dolphin frequencies to my cervical spine and the top half of my body became increasingly hot. All course participants, including the animals, engaged their conscious observation to further facilitate my healing (quantum observers!) As the session ended and energetic shifts integrated, my body and mind became silent and felt completely restored, elevated and calm.

As the weekend continued, Loesje continued to facilitate sessions with various animals and I began to apply BodyTalk balancing techniques to do the same. In part, the animals reduced belief systems and openness enabled them to respond easily to sessions, as they allowed their body’s innate wisdom to heal itself. They released behavioral, emotional and physical diseases as they yawned, licked and rolled their way to balancing old memories of trauma and abuse, digestive issues, allergies, old race-track injuries, stressful environmental conditions and relationships with and between family members. (Many animals hold family stresses and act them out through mischievous or anxious behavior that often become physical disease in their bodies and minds).

By the end of the BodyTalk for Animals Course, I had observed and facilitated many sessions with the animals and humans around us. I was again awe inspired with the healing potential demonstrated through this amazingly simple, yet effective, holistic, consciousness-based energy therapy.