“I love working with Jaya and have seen such a change in my day to day life, attitude and health in only two sessions. Jaya is amazing and I am so thankful she is helping me find my way back to my authentic self through her work. I only wish I started sessions years ago. It’s so much faster than other avenues I have done in the past and I can’t wait to keep releasing more!”
– Julie RehalukMother, Ottawa, ON 
“Somatic energy therapy sessions with Jaya provide a powerful space to focus on energetic structures that are at play just below my awareness. Jaya acts as an amplifier that helps me to see the patterns that are present in my body and mind and are influencing my choices, as well as, physical, emotional and mental states. Awareness, combined with these techniques, help to identify, shift and reorganize these longstanding energetic patterns. Things that were unconscious are now becoming conscious, which I am confident will lead to different choices in future.”
– EllenGovernment, Ottawa 
"Thank you Jaya. You actually healed me more than anyone I've ever seen therapy over the last 30 years. Something about you seeing my grandmother and how her trauma has affected my own health. Working with it has started to heal me, and the intergenerational trauma that I've carried for decades. Now I feel the strength of all my Mother's within ~ it's so surprising to me how much stronger I finally feel."
~ Dr. Molly ShorthouseBScBMBS(Hons) FACRRM (AST Mental Health), Australia 
“Jaya, what a powerful energy you hold. I am so grateful for what you did for me, I felt such a release. My back pain that has been with me for decades is gone. Thank you for showing me the link between mind and body. The Somatic training on the retreat taught me so much about mind body awareness. The examples and practical training was perfect. The way you treated and released the trauma I experienced at birth has shifted me to another level. Your ability to hold space and intuit what needs to be addressed is very strong. You are confident, well informed, yet also calm and humble. Thank you so much!”
~ JanEngineer, South Africa 
“Jaya’s healing sessions have quickly become a cornerstone on my healing journey. I am continuously amazed at the depth of transformation that occurs within each and every session. Never before have I experienced the benefits of therapy so immediately, nor so efficiently as I do during and after these sessions. My health is improving tremendously and I am experiencing more joy and well-being in my life now than ever before. Jaya has a warm and joyful energy that has made me feel completely comfortable and able to receive the gift of this powerful medicine. These sessions have revolutionized my life. THANK YOU, Jaya!”
– HeatherArtist, Ottawa, ON 
I’m a 62 year old female nurse, wife and mother living with scoliosis. I have had the privilege to work with Jaya for the past several months. My hamstring pain that was limiting my ability to walk has completely resolved using various energy therapy and Somatic techniques. I am also standing more erect and my balance is improving. The quality of my life has dramatically improved and I now have the opportunity to plan more travel and fun adventures."
– Andrea FisherNurse, Ottawa 
“I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 10 years ago, and have explored many ways to manage and cope with pain and fatigue with not much lasting improvement. After each Somatic energy therapy session with Jaya, I have felt a noticeable reduction in overall pain, a much needed boost to my energy level, as well as a deeper connection to my own inner healing wisdom. Since we have moved our sessions online, I have been surprised and delighted by the similar effects of our ‘distance sessions’! A gifted healer, Jaya’s innate abilities and extensive training truly facilitate total body/mind/emotion healing and realignment. Where I felt ‘stuck’ in my healing journey before, I now feel free to again move forward in giant leaps!”
– Jodi HSmiths Falls, ON 
“My first appointment with Jaya was one of the most amazing experiences of my life; I could feel energy flow through me that caused me to twitch and shudder. During the session Jaya identified what could be the cause of my anxiety, and set out a plan to deal with it. I normally tend to be skeptical of alternative methods of healing, however, I do trust what my experience teaches me, and it has taught me that Jaya’s treatments are having a real effect.”
– Anonymous,Public Servant, Ottawa 
“Hi Jaya, I just wanted to let you know that I have been feeling really good, positive and have much more energy since our last Somatic energy therapy session. My hip pain is also starting to release, which I am so grateful for. I had 4 or 5 bowel movements the day after our session (my body seems to be detoxing alot of waste that has been lingering). I feel that you really are an angel on earth. I know we heal ourselves and no one but us can do that….but, sometimes we need a catalyst. I so believe you have a special gift and a true desire to help heal the people who come to you. Thank you so much. I appreciate you!!!”
– VesnaOttawa, ON 
"I felt deeply moved by the Somatic works. I felt them rattle the insides of my “knowing” and already see them play into real life. I spent so much of my life with a deep knowing that so much of the physical pain I was suffering was tied to trauma and to some “unlucky” coincidence, and this past week gave me faith to envision a life where I can move beyond it. I feel so lucky to have met you – to have received so many amazing downloads. I have so much respect and gratitude for all the energy, authenticity and love you poured into this container. This beautiful space between the contraction and expansion, the sacred door into the beyond.
Yesterday, I got to fly pain free for the first time in years – it was pretty astonishing! I couldn’t believe it. Can you imagine? I guess what we all learned together that the answer is, ‘Yes we can!'”
~ Graham FortgangPhotographer & Entrepreneur, New York 
“I come from an emotionally dysfunctional family. At 43, I broke off with them and felt split between standing up for myself and feelings of guilt for having “broken the family”. Unsurprisingly, at 52, I got colo-rectal cancer, that was cured by chemotherapy and radiation. And now at 57, I met Jaya… Jaya has patiently and lovingly helped me to reorganize the messed-up puzzle of my functioning and heal related childhood wounds at the cellular level. I am no longer emotionally involved with that dysfunctional family and feel more myself, complete and secure. That’s the beauty of Jaya’s work: instead of decades of therapy, it took just a few months because she worked at the source of the problem. I was amazed by her listening capacity, memory and focus on finding the right path to reconnect my psyche. With her prodigious intuition, she is a real Sherlock Holmes of quantum healing. Thank you Jaya.”
– IzzieArtist, Kanata 
"Jaya's positive attitude, warm smile, enthusiastic manner and professional approach help to provide a supportive environment. Jaya is a highly skilled expert practitioner in advanced energy practices. We are so fortunate to have her specialized skill set in our Ottawa community. It is my pleasure to highly recommend Jaya to you to explore your health care concerns and her contribution to improving your health.”
– Andrea FisherNurse, Ottawa 
“Jaya’s warmth, kindness, and insights helped me to delve into and resolve in just a few sessions trauma~based health issues that had plagued me for years. I had major gut imbalances that disappeared over night through the 4 week healing container and work that Jaya held me through. I am so grateful for Jaya’s help and recommend her to anyone that wants to unlock body~based trauma and illness”.
– MatthewLawyer, NY 
“I have been responding really well to that treatment that you gave me. I can feel a major change between balance of strength and use of the muscles between left and right legs. I’ve been doing some crazy fast times for running and riding over the past fortnight. Even when I was training for the Duathlon worlds, I couldn’t get my running between a 4 min 5 sec km. Last week for a 5 km run, I ran 3 min 45 sec… and then two days later ran 3 min 35 sec!”
~ CraigPublic Servant, Ottawa 
“I’ve had a small benign growth in my brain since I was born that has caused some undesirable effects. Jaya told me that with energy therapy treatments the growth might disappear. Imagine my surprise when a recent MRI didn’t find the growth, and only after looking more closely did the technicians spot a calcified area where the growth had been. Thank you Jaya!”
– KieranPublic Servant, Ottawa 
"Jaya is a skilled and powerful Somatic Practitioner. After a health emergency two years ago that caused a number of ongoing issues, I started working with Jaya, and it has been a game changer for my health and wellbeing. Through her sessions, I've learned about the nervous system and how the body stores trauma, and also how to quiet my mind and listen more to my body. I’m grateful to Jaya for her guidance and support and would recommend her work to anyone."
Katrina Barclay MBAManager, Ottawa 
"Jaya is one of the few healing practitioners that I trust implicitly. I am so grateful to have come across her work and participate in her Somatic Retreats. I have added more tools to my somatic practice toolbox and am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to devote an entire weekend to this work. Thank you for your grace."
~ TaraGovernment worker, Ottawa, ON 