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Somatic Healing Resilience Vitality Awareness

Jaya Hollohan MA is a Somatic Energy Therapist (certified Somatic Experiencing SEP), who helps people to thrive by developing new relationships with their bodies, integrating outmoded mental, emotional patterns and creating nervous system resilience. She is also a clear channel that works with you to uncover awareness leading to deep joy, peace, and pleasure for a fully embodied life.


Work one~on~one with Jaya to bring awareness to the body and mind patterns that are dictating your health and life’s potential, and integrate them using both somatic and energy therapy.


Join Jaya’s online Trainings that help practitioners to trauma~inform their health practices, and lay people to trauma~proof their lives. She also shares energy therapy and Spiritual practices that help people to connect to their bodies and use trauma as a portal to the Divine.


Come to Jaya’s Retreats to learn Somatic principals and tools that will encourage embodiment, nervous system resilience, and connection with Grace. Return home through deep rest, cultivating inner resources and recovering your innate aliveness.


Join us for monthly Healing Gatherings

Join Jaya and a beautiful community for Healing Gatherings happening online on the New Moon each month at 8:30pm EST. These Gatherings lay fertile ground for new beginnings every 4 week moon cycle, encourage us to offer our healing and vitality intentions, and then let go into a space of deep somatic healing and meditation, guided by Jaya.

Hi, I'm Jaya

“My mission is to help you come back into your body, to feel safe, and to help you awaken who you really are by using  your  trauma as a portal to wisdom and peace”

This is where Jaya will write her short (250-360 word) bio that introduces the LIVELY, FLOWY side of her that compliments the professional tone we’ve set. She will mention how she came to be a Somatic Practitioner and that she currently lives in Bali where she hosts retreats and enjoys immersing herself in the local culture with her son (or something personal) .. 

I help others return to their body And Restore their energy so they can experience life more fully

Introduce the concept of Somatic Experiencing, and what role it plays in other peoples journeys. Keep this introductory and INSPIRING statement to approximately 250 words. Use an online character counter to help…

Client Praise

[!] NOTE: For testimonials see THIS PAGE (Current praise) and this PAGE (Design suggestions) 

Resources & Upcoming Events

DESIGN NOTE: For BLOGS we’ll only want to feature (3) but as you can see on the BLOGS PAGE we’ll have more rows, so whatever design we use here will be copied and repeated there.  CLIENT NOTE: We will also be featuring upcoming EVENTS and RETREATS here by creating a NEW or FEATURED POST about an upcoming event, so it’s easily visible. [!] Do not include this text in the design mockup

Strengthening the Nervous System via Interoception & Neuroception
If you close your eyes, and sense into your gut and how it communicates to your brain via the biggest nerve in your body, the Parasympathetic Vagus nerve, what do
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The Breath, Inspiration & Nervous System Regulation
The Latin word, Inspiritus, means “breathe” and also contains the word for “Spirit”: to breathe in and be filled with Spirit; to be alive. It is also the root word
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3 Principles for Happiness from Ayurveda & Somatics!
I am in the midst of a 3 week Panchakarma cleanse, including diet, Ayurvedic medicines, rituals (Pujas) and body treatments in South India. The Centre is gorgeous, enveloped by mountains,
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3 Ways to Get Back Into Your Body Now

[OPT-IN CALL OUT BUTTON: We’ll have it go to a seperate page because it’s embedded from MailChimp

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