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Touch Work for Trauma
I just completed my 3 year Somatic Experiencing (SE) Professional training! I am feeling grateful to be skilled to help so many people to heal from developmental, acute and complex
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Healing Complex Trauma and Syndromal patterns
I recently completed another 6 day Somatic Experiencing trauma integration training, as part of the Advanced year of the 3 year Professional training that I will finish in February 2020.
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Repatterning your 3 Brains
Energetic patterns exist throughout space and matter and their alignment and structure is fundamental to good health, whether in our bodies or the Universe at large. So, if the energetic
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Quantum Fascial Balancing
Watching fascia, muscle, bones, and joints release, change position, lengthen, and reshape, by moving them from particle to waveform, introducing energetic changes, and integrating these into the body, is a
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Why do you stop yourself?
Now is your time. The time to create what you want in your life; to express the fullness of who you are; to let the world benefit from all that
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New year, new brain, new life
New year, new brain, new life Neuroplasticity refers to our brain’s ability to change its synaptic wiring by learning and integrating new information throughout our lifetimes. It allows us to
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