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A little bit about Jaya

Although Jaya’s health is quite good overall, a little voice inside in the Fall of 2020 said, “You need to take a couple of months off in the New Year to fully recover your health on all levels”.

Despite various kinds of social pressure to not take that much time off and/or not to go away, Jaya listened and did just that. She went to Austin and Mexico with her son and friends and received healing sessions and then played in the beach and sand for weeks.

By the time that Jaya returned to giving sessions in early March, her health has almost 100% back on track! Various issues that she was unsure of how to heal, did, because she was able to rest, spend time in the sun, ocean, run down the street in the mornings, swim and surf in the afternoons, drink amazing fresh juices and eat food right from the sea, write poetry, pray, meditate and listen to Spirit.

At this point many people may say, that is okay for her but I could never do that for this and that reason. Jaya wants you to know that she is a full-time single parent and a self-employed entrepreneur who is the sole financial provider for her son. She took the time because her body needed her to before it forced her to. Because her health and happiness is central to the life that she wants to live, and the well that she wants to offer to others from.

Many times we may think that we can’t do the things that we feel called to or know that we have to do for our health and our wellness but the truth is, we can. We just have to muster up the courage to listen to that infinitely wise voice arising from deep inside, and do it anyway!

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