Aligning Mind & Spirit for Bodily Health

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Do you feel as though your mind and spirit are not synchronized, yet are guiding your body in an aimless direction on a daily basis? As though your energy is drained or flat or simply unable to support your overall health? Do you experience regular mental or physical symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, headaches, backaches, endocrine, immune or menstrual disorders, ongoing tension or other challenging health patterns that stop you from living the life you want?

If so, you are not alone!

Our bodies perfectly reflect the alignment of our spirits, minds, thoughts and perspectives and as a result, many of us beings walking on the planet experience the various symptoms of misalignment. By attuning our minds and spirits and emitting the related frequency that we would like to carry, we can all change our health drastically on all levels.

When ill-adapted mental/emotional patterns and belief systems become so entrenched that we have difficulty seeing them and our spirit is consequently so out of alignment with how we would like to show up in the world, our physical bodies inevitably suffer. Coming back into alignment can be facilitated by BodyTalk energy therapy, which helps to bring these health patterns into awareness, and unlock them by liberating the energic and neural patterns that hold them in place. As we become aware of these patterns and begin to elevate the frequency that we would like to hold, we notice that the majority of our illnesses and imbalances can fall away as they no longer need to show us that we are misaligned.

We can all choose to heighten this awareness and embody THAT aligned vibration, reflected back in our health, and the overall health of the planet at this time. Because if we don’t care about how we feel and what we emit, who will?

Do your body, mind and spirit a favor and let them speak to you of the untapped possibilities that are available, awaiting recognition and the able to become active in your life now. What are you waiting for?


BodyTalk Intro Videos


View various videos below presented by BodyTalk founder, Dr. John Veltheim:

To learn more about BodyTalk practitioners, courses and events in the Ottawa region, please click here:

View other intros to BodyTalk, including my own, on youtube


BodyTalk for Animals

BT animals


As I lay there on the massage table, with various animals and BodyTalk for Animals practitioners surrounding me, I wondered what would come up for balancing during my BodyTalk session. I was in a horse arena in a rural area outside of Penetanguishene, ON and BodyTalk for Animals Instructor Loesje Jacob was about to facilitate a BodyTalk session with me. She had been on and off the road for three years teaching this and other courses in Japan, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand and was on her way home to BC.

As the session began, I listened as links were identified that connected my brain to various systems in my body and mind that had become compromised due to accumulated stresses. I began to feel the energy in my body shift as it made its way up my spinal column. She linked dolphin frequencies to my cervical spine and the top half of my body became increasingly hot. All course participants, including the animals, engaged their conscious observation to further facilitate my healing (quantum observers!) As the session ended and energetic shifts integrated, my body and mind became silent and felt completely restored, elevated and calm.

As the weekend continued, Loesje continued to facilitate sessions with various animals and I began to apply BodyTalk balancing techniques to do the same. In part, the animals reduced belief systems and openness enabled them to respond easily to sessions, as they allowed their body’s innate wisdom to heal itself. They released behavioral, emotional and physical diseases as they yawned, licked and rolled their way to balancing old memories of trauma and abuse, digestive issues, allergies, old race-track injuries, stressful environmental conditions and relationships with and between family members. (Many animals hold family stresses and act them out through mischievous or anxious behavior that often become physical disease in their bodies and minds).

By the end of the BodyTalk for Animals Course, I had observed and facilitated many sessions with the animals and humans around us. I was again awe inspired with the healing potential demonstrated through this amazingly simple, yet effective, holistic, consciousness-based energy therapy.


A new client came into my energy therapy office last week that had a brain tumor removed 1.5 years ago and had since lost most of the motor movement on the right side of his body. His arm could not lift and his leg, only enough to enable him to walk with a limp. He came back into my office this week and I asked him how he was doing. He confidently lifted his arm up to shoulder height, said his decades of daily morning headaches are completely gone and his 20 year sleeping pattern of waking up at 2am has now ameliorated to 4am.

Shared with permission from Jean, Gatineau, QC

Jaya’s BodyTalk sessions have quickly become a cornerstone on my healing journey. I am continuously amazed at the depth of transformation that occurs within each and every session. Never before have I experienced the benefits of therapy so immediately, nor so efficiently as I do during and after BodyTalk sessions. My health is improving tremendously and I am experiencing more joy and well-being in my life now than ever before. Jaya has a warm and joyful energy that has made me feel completely comfortable and able to receive the gift of this powerful medicine. BodyTalk has revolutionized my life. THANK YOU, Jaya!!                                                                     

– Heather, Artist, Ottawa

“In my first BodyTalk session, Jaya was able to map and navigate what my body, heart, and soul had been asking for a long time – deep release, and integration… There is a profound resting in the roots of my being that has grown since our session and a deepened trust in life. I feel so much gratitude for experiencing BodyTalk and Jaya’s great wisdom and gifts”.

 – Aurelia Berry, Ottawa

“Jaya, Thank you for yesterday’s session. You have a knack of articulating to me what is happening underneath my skin. My foot is so much better now–just like that, after weeks of being swollen, sore and burning. And, after weeks of feeling very overwhelmed, our session soothed and relaxed me. Today I am breathing more fully and the feeling of overwhelm has dissipated. A big thank you to your radiant self!”

 – Lorraine, Yoga Teacher, Ottawa

“Bodytalk sessions with Jaya provide a powerful space to focus on energetic structures that are at play just below my awareness. Jaya acts as an amplifier that helps me to see the patterns that are present in my body and mind and are influencing my choices, as well as, physical, emotional and mental states. Awareness, combined with the BodyTalk protocol, help to identify, shift and reorganize these longstanding energetic patterns. Things that were unconscious are now becoming conscious, which I am confident will lead to different choices in future.”

– Ellen, Project Management Consultant, Ottawa

“My BodyTalk sessions with Jaya have been both magical and liberating. Jaya has helped me to heal old wounds, emotional and physical, in a process that is gentle and non-intrusive. It is so simple: Jaya ‘listens’ to the intelligence of my cells and uses BodyTalk processes to heal what my body says needs healing. I have practiced yoga for years and done psychotherapy but with BodyTalk I have uncovered deep healing.”

– Joan Gamble, Retired, Ottawa

“I love BodyTalk and have seen such a change in my day to day life, attitude and health in only two sessions.  Jaya is amazing and I am so thankful she is helping me find my way back to my authentic self through BodyTalk.  I only wish I started sessions years ago. It’s so much faster than other avenues I have done in the past and I can’t wait to keep releasing more!”

– Julie Rehaluk, Mother, Ottawa

I’ve been seeing Jaya for only one month, and in less than three sessions I’ve had results that I didn’t even know were possible! I’ve gone from having to go to the bathroom 3-4 times an hour (which I thought was normal due to drinking a lot of water), to going once every two hours! Its such a liberating feeling and I feel very happy and thankful!

– Flavia, Nutritionist, Ottawa

Body Talk has been an incredible blessing for myself and my family and Jaya has been a huge part of this. Jaya put me at ease from the moment I met her, she answered all of my questions and queries in her calm demeanor and even managed to connect with my very busy 4.5 year old daughter. Body Talk has helped me to regain movement in my shoulder (from an injury that happened over 25 years ago), decreased my environmental allergies, alleviated pain in my back and knees, but above all of that, it has helped my daughter to sleep longer and deeper at night than she ever has in her life (she suffers from sleep apnea). I am forever grateful for BodyTalk and Jaya.”

– Gayle, Mother, Braeside

I come from an emotionally dysfunctional family. At 43, I broke off with them and felt split between standing up for myself and feelings of guilt for having “broken the family”. Unsurprisingly, at 52, I got colo-rectal cancer, that was cured by chemotherapy and radiation. And now at 57, I met Jaya… Jaya has patiently and lovingly helped me to reorganize the messed-up puzzle of my functioning and heal related childhood wounds at the cellular level. I am no longer emotionally involved with that dysfunctional family and feel more myself, complete and secure. That’s the beauty of Lori’s work: instead of decades of therapy, it took just a few months because she worked at the source of the problem. I was amazed by her listening capacity, memory and focus on finding the right path to reconnect my psyche. With her prodigious intuition, she is a real Sherlock Holmes of quantum healing. Thank you Jaya.

– Izzie, Artist, Kanata

Hi Jaya, I am doing great! The day after our session I found myself laughing—actually laughing out loud. I honestly cannot remember the last time I laughed and enjoyed myself. As for the twitching, there has not been one twitch in the cheek since our session. The eye still does, but not as frequently, and for whatever reason I can stop the twitching by tapping right on top of my head.

– Susan, Ladysmith

I’ve had a small benign growth in my brain since I was born that has caused some undesirable effects. Jaya told me that with BodyTalk treatments the growth might disappear. Imagine my surprise when a recent MRI didn’t find the growth, and only after looking more closely did the technicians spot a calcified area where the growth had been.

– Kieran, Public Servant, Ottawa

My first appointment with Jaya was one of the most amazing experiences of my life; I could feel energy flow through me that caused me to twitch and shudder. During the session Jaya identified what could be the cause of my anxiety, and set out a plan to deal with it. I normally tend to be skeptical of alternative methods of healing, however, I do trust what my experience teaches me, and it has taught me that Jaya’s treatments are having a real effect.

– Anonymous, Public Servant, Ottawa

Anyone who has ever had lower back pain knows it usually doesn’t go away quickly… I was just beginning to feel pain in my back and although intense, it was not yet excruciating. During a BodyTalk session that day, I felt a shift and although the pain was still there, I was able to function. The next morning, however, to my surprise the pain was completely gone. Although I don’t understand how the process works, I know that it does. Amazing!

– Wayne, Consultant, Waterloo

I have been responding really well to that treatment that you gave me. I can feel a major change between balance of strength and use of the muscles between left and right legs. I’ve been doing some crazy fast times for running and riding over the past fortnight. Even when I was training for the Duathlon worlds, I couldn’t get my running between a 4 min 5 sec km. Last week for a 5 km run, I ran 3 min 45 sec… and then two days later ran 3 min 35 sec!

– Craig, Public Servant, Ottawa