About these packages:
To allow for the greatest amount of growth and support, Jaya offers sessions in 1-2 and 3-6 month containers. These incredibly supportive packages give you the option to have your (4) to (8) sessions spread out over a weekly or bi-weekly basis for the duration of that container.
Bonus Support:
Unlike single sessions, these monthly packages give you extra dimensions of support, including integrative homework exercises, WhatsApp follow~ups, and access to Jaya’s monthly online Somatic Integrations – where you will have a chance to nourish yourself within a beautiful community.
Costs and how it works:
These sessions cost $222 (incl HST), totalling $888 for 4 sessions in a one month container, or 2 sessions per month in a two month container; $2,664 for 4 sessions per month in a 3 month container, or for 2 sessions per month in a 6 month container. These containers provide additional support to help you to focus further on your health and vitality goals in an effective, life~altering and sustainable way! Please note the prices shown here are should you choose to pay via e-transfer to info(at)jayahollohan.com, otherwise you may use the PayPal/Credit Card options below, where processing fees have been incorporated for ease of access.
Location and availability:
Virtual and in-person options available, email info(at)jayahollohan.com to find out if in-person is an option for you.