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The Window of Tolerance
As babies when we have healthy attachment with attuned, available, nurturing caregivers we lay the foundations for the optimal development of our brain and nervous system. This co-regulation offered by
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Somatic Experiencing Resilience Exercises for Kids & Adults
I was listening to a really helpful interview with Peter Levine PhD, the founder of Somatic Experiencing (a neurobiological approach to healing trauma), and Dr. Maggie Kline, a Senior Somatic
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What the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study Means for Our Health in Adulthood
Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood that can significantly impact our health as adults. Unresolved traumas can leave the body in a state
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A little bit about Jaya
Although Jaya’s health is quite good overall, a little voice inside in the Fall of 2020 said, “You need to take a couple of months off in the New Year
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How trauma can resurface during these times
I read a blog post by Somatic Experiencing Colleague Madeline Dietrich that inspired me and so decided to extrapolate further. She wrote, “In my Somatic Experiencing work, I remind people
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Healing & Inspiration in Challenging Times
I am so grateful for the downtime that these times of “social lock down” have brought, and the space that it allows my body, mind and spirit to let go
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